TORREFORTE red comes from espalier vineyards having a
density of 3400 plants per hectar.
he pruning is done by gujot-spurred cordon. The tendrils are
over 9 years old.
100% Nero d'Avola from aged
It is a particular red wine for its really aristocratic
polyphenolic heritage, for its sweet tannin makeup, of
elegant, soft quality, without equals in its genre.
Its classic trait wraps superbly the history and the
landscape from which it origins.
The great harmony to the taste and the elegance of the aroma
make of it a wine for meditation.
This marvelous result is obtained limiting the production of
vines to 4 tonnes per hectar and carefully selecting on the
the best grapes.
It matches roasts, red meat grills, feathered and bigger